Doesnt she look good on my dvd shelf.Yeah babby! Yeah!It arrived in between my hard drive computer fuck up! The only ray of sunshine in an otherwise drab and shitty world of computer techs!
This was the only thing that kept me sane while waiting for my pc to get fixed! the only thing that prevented me from ripping out the troat of that idiot tech.
The packaging is lushious! But the dvds are incredible.Footages of teh NEW HOPE has been retimed and colorized.
CESS: " Wait a minute. Is that Tatooine? "
FLIM: " They altered the colour schemes. You can do anything nowadays! "
CESS: " Can you move it to my favorite scene? "
Cess's favorite is the moment when Luke Skywalker came out of the settlement and just stared at the twin suns of tatooine after a brief arguement with UNCLE Owen. She loves that moment because it vividly illustrates the hopes of every young teenager.The longing for something more that they have at the moment.
CESS: " Oh my gosh! LOOK AT THAT! "
The scene has also been altered.
CESS: " BY re-colouring and making it more pretty he destroyed the entire essence of it all. Look at that! Tatooine originally was bleak and hot.The original photography showed it when the background was washed out.Now he made it look gloosy and beautiful. Now why would LUKE SKYWALKER want to leave such a gorgeous place like that."
I told her to pipe down I was trying to enjoy this expensive dvd purchase.
CESS: " Just because you have the technology to alter things doesn tmean that you should.Something gets lost."
FLIM: " Well look at it this way. When Lucas made STAR WARS It was a terrible experience for him. Everything wasnt working and the crew rebeled against him because they thought he didnt know what he was doing.MAybe this remastering and altering is a cathartic experience for him. It's giving the finger on the crew and the technology at the time. All the pent up resentments that He had is unleashed by eradicating everything in the past.
CESS: " But the film that came out of it was good. Not this...."
She points at the screen.
Of course she was right. Something was lost. Now the film is too sleek and too glossy.The versimilitude( to borrow RICHARD DONNER's term) was lost.One can argue that it is a galaxy far far away but still certain rules of realities apply. Like when you get shot point black by a gun or blaster you get BURNT to CINDER! Ask Greedo.Who cares if he fired first.I dont.Initially I was all fired up when I first saw it. But now I just shrug my shoulders. I didnt complain when I saw the new cgI JABBA which is a different version from the 99 theatrical release of the special edition NEW HOPE. Someone must create a logging file for the different versions of STAR WARS now surfacing for us ,the normal fans to keep tabs on.Like the STAR WARS OT ( Original theatrical release) And then there's the NH variant when he added episode 4 THE NEW HOPE, which is the tackiest title that one can come up with. FROM STAR WARS it sinks to THE NEW HOPE. I dont see anyone lining up with a title like that! But when you made the most succesful film in history ,you can retitle it the BIG GIVE and no one would care.
And then there's the STAR WARS SP. SPECIAL EDITION when he inserted JABBA in the NEW HOPE. aND NOW THERE'S THE JABBA DVD.Where he completely changed thE digitized JABBA in 1999 into another digitized JABBA with a slight variation on teh cowl colour.I think it was an improvement. But the real beef that I have with was when I slipped RETURN OF THe JEDI. There was a nice re touching of SEBASTIAN SHAW's face when teh vader helm was removed. They erased that ridicolus eye brush makeup. Now he seems more sympathetic.When I first saw him in the theatrical release i thought thateye brow makeup I thought no wonder he hid in that helmet for years.He was QUEER SITH LORD.
It was when I came to the ending. When I realized that all teh rumours were true. that Lucas had replaced SEBASTIAN SHAW 'S force shade with HAYDEN.NOW THAT'S TOO MUCH!I dont care how much he would rationalize it.THAT PLAIN SUCKS!
I know he is tying all the loose threads together so that past trology would tie in neatly into the new one. But this is too much!
I remember reading somewhere that one fan commented on ,what Goerge lucas said which was that STAR WARS the 1977 release what was not what he really intended to be and the special editions is the vision he had all along.
" So him making a classic film was purely accidental.He makes crappy films all along."
A friend of mine told me that he found it hard to believe how can see threepio and d2 not know kenobi after what they went thru in the new trilogy when they meet each other again in the old trilogy.Its simple.Memmory erasures in anchorhead.But hayden in the original trilogy? here I am yapping again. Give it another month viewing and I wouldnt even notice it anymore.That's a form of desynthesizing.How else could we cope with the shit the government is heaping on us right?
Oh by the way if you have seen the photo of our president in the newspaper. You'd notice she gained a lot of pounds.There's something that must be said about a leader who gains weight when the rest of the nation starves to death! Dont you agree?