Footage from my latest project. The restoration of a music video I did several years ago.
PRODUCTION MANAGER:” Why did you have to change it? I liked it the first time.
FLIM: “ I don’t know. I just wasn’t too crazy with the first cut. Budgetary limitation
Aside we didn’t have the technical access for my vision of what hell truly looked like.
PRODUCTION MANAGER: “ So is this what hell looks like for you? “
FLIM: “ Before yes. But as you grow older your concept of hell changes.Then it was all fire and brimstone.Now, we don’t have to go very far. Just open the papers and look out the window. Try going from one place to the other, this is hell.
But I’m digressing, what I originally wanted was thousands of naked writhing bodies impaled on spikes all mouthing the chorus of the song.
PRODUCTION MANAGER:” That’s really gross! In your original version the angel was inside this wall of darkness, now he’s in the middle of giant cavern ,sourrounded by a raging inferno. I prefer the wall of darkness. Leaves room to the imagination,you know? ”
FLIM: “ Yeah I know what you mean. That’s what I said too in my intial pitch. He’s going to be in the middle of this black void. So you really don’t know where he is. Is he imprisoned in a windowless pit, or stranded on the edge of eternity. But the reality of it was that there was no budget for any sets. So your predecessor and I got a lot of black garbage plastic bags and hung them all over the place.
And you know what’s really funny. Back then I knew I would want to go back and alter the shot I was doing. And by sorrounding the actor in total black, I could pull a perfect matte out of it.”
PRODUCTION MANAGER: So are you calling this your director’s cut? “
FLIM: “ Nah, I call it the TINGGA edition.”
PRODUCTION MANAGER: “ Are we going to air it? “
FLIM: “ I don’t think we can. We need to get permission from the parent recording company who commissioned it.”
FLIM: “ MY dear girl, this was just a test project to see what we can do with our latest
Toys. From this I can acertain what we can and cannot do.”
PRODUCTION MANAGER: “ what can we do? “
I just gave her a smile.