So here I am at the eve of Halloween, doing what? WHAT ELSE but creating MONSTERS! APT ISN’T IT? Like a mad scientist I have not seen the light of day for…uhm days. Locked inside my laboratory I sew pieces of different limbs and body parts to create something new. But alas. Nothing is ever new. All of them have been done before. VIRGIL and the Greek poets, VICTOR VON FRANKENSTEIN, DR. MOREAU,LOVE CRAFT, THE ATOM BOMB. They have done it, years ago. So how does one top that? One doesn’t.
One might emulate or do a variation but …
I don’t know. My mind reels from such thoughts.
Sometimes I purchase a limb that is impossible to come by. Only to discover that it doesn’t fit. Then I ‘m faced with quandary of tossing the limb into the junk pile or totally abandoning the present structure and start a new with the aforementioned limb.
Then there is the wife of course.
She vexes me about the Promethean amount of electricity that I use up. BUT OF COURSE! How can you bring a MONSTER to life without that most precious substance that most vital of elements? ELECTRICITY!
IT’S A Time honored device, ALMOST TRADITION in every HORROR GENRE.
She also complains about the laboratory smelling like garlic. What can I say? I love that spice. It also keeps the competition out.
So here I’m writing my journals. Resting my tired eyes. Contemplating the missing factor that will bring my creation to life. Asking the universe how can I create the most HORRIBLE MONSTER OF ALL.Then the door opens and she screams!
Equipped with a pair of wings wrenched from some poor pixie she faces me and opens her terrible mouth. It is then that the horrific realization dawned on me. I HAVE ALREADY CREATED THE MOST HORRIBLE MONSTER OF ALL TIME,