Today I planned to make chili fired crabs. I ordered the maids to buy two kilos of the damn thing for a budget of 350. She comes back with six crabs in her hands. A measely six crabs. That wont even be enough for dinner.
MAID: “ Ser , everything is super expensive now! “
Yep … maybe the money they steal from us would go to that tsunami early warning device. I can see it now. The warning device would consists of a couple of benches facing the sea and you have two or maybe three idiots ( The president’s distant relatives) staring at the sea and munching junk food and collecting hefty paychecks while they ogle sexy joggers instead of doing their jobs.
I just hope when a TSUNAMMI hits that it will engulf the presidential palace and wash away that small idiot that resides inside. If one is too hope then lets make it spectacular! Wash the entire cabinet, make it a wet revamp!