Writing on this blog is more of a luxury than anything else. To sit down and write tons and tons of sentences costing time which is the most precious commodity. Money isn’t even in the same league. You can earn back the cents but never the time you lost!
I don’t relish the idea of traveling from one point to the other because if you stop and actually counted and catalogued the time you spent in traffic…you’d be shock to realize that its almost 1/4th of the day!
When I do travel, I have tons of books and storyboard papers inside the car. So when we do get in stuck in traffic…you could do some reading or drawing. Another thing is to record the audio commentaries in my DVD collection and play them when you’re in the car.
Its not enough to have them playing in the background while I edit…my attention gets divided!
Got it before x mas. I was somewhat disappointed with the restored 50 minutes. I was expecting it to enhance the plotline or the characters, instead I’m treated to more GIMLI comedy routines that are forced and contrived!
But I’m a completist. So that’s that! The very same reason why I’m going to watch REVENGE OF THE SITH. I’m not betting that it is going to be good but I just want to get it over with.
Then again in the original trilogy the first two were very good while the last, RETURN OF THE JEDI, sucked! And since Lucas claims that he is working with symmetry…then he intentionally or unintentionally might make REVENGE OF THE SITH THE best film of the lot in the recent trilogy!
Now back to work….