Selina has been strangely fixated with movie musicals. Everytime she enters the editing room she carries with her her dvds of WINNIE THE PHOO, ROBIN HOOD, SHRECK, and SOUTH PACIFIC. She really loves the HAPPY SONG and , " THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A DAME" For my part I enjoy watching her mimic the song and dance routine.But there's more to life than Roger and Hammerstein and WALT DISNEY. So I slipped in SOUTH PARK THE MOVIE. In no time at all She was singing, ' KYLE'S MOM IS A BIG FAT BITCH , SHE'S A BIG FAT BITCH IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD"
Of course when Cecile found out she ripped my head off.My arguement is that they were just words! Words that colour the world in a certain tinge. In fact cussing displays the clairty and emotional dept of a word ins a very concise form.
Consider a world without cuss words.
HUSBAND: " Honey I had a terrible day at work. My assistant didn't do his job the way he was supposed to do. I had to do double work just to fill up his shortcommings."
Of course that arguement didn't hold water for my wife and she then proceeded to bash my fucking head in.In full view of the baby. I guess Its ok to bludgeon someone to death , just dont use foul language.
I tried to play my original SUPERMAN DVD on my pioneer dvd player and the chapter where SUPERMAN confronts his Father and is given a lecture as to why he should have a secret identity went POOF! PIXILATED and lost the soundtrack. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE THAT?YOU SPEND 1,500 PESOS to buy an original and it gets busted just like that. It doesnt even have scrathes and I have not lent it to anyone. SO WHAT'S THE FUCKING EXPLANATION? NOTHING! NEIN!
A friend of mine once said that the Universe abhors perfection. He said that when I just bought my motorcycle and in the first few minutes I fell down and scrathed up my perfect tanks. I agree. The UNIVERSE HATES PERFECTION. And every second it will maim , scrath, dent,rust up and wrinkle, your prized comicbooks,your dvd collection, your priceless records, and your mint toys.
The funny part is THE UNIVERSE knows what you treasure the most and it will stick it's malicous fingers right towards it!
Case in point, a friend of mine let his SANDMAN collection in his house.( If I heard the tale correctly.) These are the priceless individual issues. He left it in a box and when he opened it after a couple of years , he discovers much to his regret, the termites have feasted on it. COVER TO COVER. It didnt eat his JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA bY Griffin and MATHEIAS which he found casually amusing but went for his other Vertigo titles as well.
I had a pair of state of the art NIKE running shoes. I bought it and used it occasionally. After a few months I think I just used it up 5 times at the most. On my sixth wear, the soles crumbled beneath my feet.
When my brand new wide angle lens came in( which cost me a hefty sum.) I used it immediately on the WASTED MOVIE.My actor's corrosive saliva gave it a wet foamy kiss. Dribblets all over the place. i took a clean cloth and wiped the sirface gently. A long gnash of a scrath appeared in the lower side.
It's things like this that make you want to sit down and drool like an idiot.
Anyway the moral of the lesson I think is. NEVER BUY ORIGINAL DVDS! THeY COST MORE AND HEY BREAK DOWN TO WITH NO APPARENT REASON.BUY PIRATED DVDS. At least it would only cost you 65 pesos and when it breaks you can get another one. Try making the same arguement over a 1,500 peso dvd.