Yesterday I accompanied Cess to watch the LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN. This was my second viewing and I wasn't very pleased.
FLIM: " The first time I watched it, I had myself branded like a fucking cow in the morning so I can accompany you when you decide to watch in the evening.
Cattle branding occurs when they stamp your arm with a violet like pigment by the ticket collector when you want to go out of the movie and have intentions of coming back.In Robinsons cinemas they brand you on particular arm. Cinema one brands you on the right and cinema 2 brands you on the left.I havent watched in the other cinemas to know which part of the body they will brand you on. To those who want to be branded a word of advise.Have them brand you on the upper shoulder so that it wont wash away when you wash your hands.
FLIM:" but did you want to watch on that day? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! So what do I do? I dont take a bath for two days hoping that you would decide to watch it within those days."
CESS: " I don't understand all of this? "
FLIM: " I didn't take a bath so my cattle brand wont get erased and I can come back to the movie house without paying!So I don't have to pay twice for a movie I have ALREADY SEEN!Key emphasis ON already seeeennnnnnnnnnn!!!!"
CESS: " Ohh.."
FLIM: " So what happens? On the day I do decide to take a bath, by some planetary alignment you DECIDE THAT you want TO WATCH THE MOVIE! So Now I END UP PAYING TWICE!There by nullifying the two bathless days I had to go thru."
CESS: " Well you did enjoy the movie. And you have this habit of watching movies again and again."
FLIM: " Ahh yes but that was before the advent of dvd piracy. Now I can only just watch once and then wait a couple of months and I can own a superb copy for 65 pesos."
CESS: " Well I want to watch league in the big screen."
FLIM: " can't we just watch BAD BOYS 2 instead? I haven't watched it."
CESS: " I hate BAD BOYS 1 and I will certainly hate BAD BOYS 2."
CESS: " Because I dont like cussing! WHICH REMINDS ME, I heard SELINA say BITCH today! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET HER WATCH that VULGAR CARTOON"
We walk to the cinemas. I espy the latest PIXAR FLICK
FLIM: " How about LITTLE NEMO? We both haven't seen LITTLE NEMO."
CESS: " I'm in no mood to watch a cartoon. I want to watch live people.I want to see the real NEMO Not computer generated fish! "
FLIM: " But the voices belong to live people."
She shots me a menacing look.What can I do? So I shell out 120 pesos and entered the League theater.On second viewing I noticed the plot holes.
IF NEMO's car is a prototype how come SAWYER can drive it like a maniac? And that's the first time he rode in it. When the original League members were driven by ISHMAEL to Dorian Gray's building, Sawyer wasnt even inside. He was tailing them from behind. And what would he use to follow the car's fast accelaration? Maybe a very fast donkey!
Then we have DORIAN GRAY stealing the mini sub of the Nautilus. How did he do that? Well he hanged out around the galleys with IShmael who stopped whatever he was doing and taught him the forward and pivot controls!But the best part ,Cess spotted!
CESS: " I see Mina going berserk when she see's blood. even her own. So how can you maintain a sense of propriety when nursing to the NAUTILUS crew who were injured during the Venice Fiasco? "
FLIM: " But it's mindless fun isn't it? "
CESS: " And the Nautilus can't fit thru the canals of Venice! "
FLIM: " It can! "
CESS: " You've never been to Venice."
FLIM: " Ohhh..right I forgot. Well excuse me MADAME BOVARY, Not everyone inside this theater has been to VENICE, with you as the exception.And to correct you, I HAVE A FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF VENICE."
CESS:"But you haven;t been there and you never walked the .."
FLIM: " Have you played TOMB RAIDER 2? I know every inch of that city."
I still dont understand why I liked it even when it was stupid in some places.May because I grew up on these characters.I know all of them and read them when I was a kid and seeing them all in one movie is like...the ultimate cross over! So I dont care if it does have plotholes that you can druive the NAUTILUS in... I still love VICTORIAN SUPERMEN! They are educated and exhudes ENGLISH COCKINESS!
Or maybe I liked it because of the advance word of mouth. If a movie is rumored to be bad then you're expectations are pretty low so when you come in , you're pretty defenceless.Like T3. I heard it was really bad but when I saw it , I was floored!if this is a new marketingploy then it's pretty ballsy!because A lot of people would STAY AWAY FROM A BAD MOVIE!