Sunday, April 11, 2004

Aside from making films and video and whatever lies in between I love to cook as well.
Strangely the people I do know, the good cooks are mostly male. Well in my generation at least. Occasionally I would swap recipes with my actors, or producers. The cameraman would from time to time give me a few pointers on how to make coffee carpenter (karpentero style), which is plenty of sugar and milk. Sometimes I find it baffling that he does not just buy a milk shake but if you go to the latest coffee hangout I have a sneaking suspicion that his recipe for coffee is now a standard mix.

Most of the time when I come home from a shoot, dinner is either cold or whatever is left wouldn’t be much. So I’d whip out my time honored FLIM NUKED RICE. This recipe is only used when you come home late at night and youre stuck with ingredients that are already there!

The ingredients are as followed.


Next deep-fry olive oil for about 10 minutes over a small fire.

Then chop up some garlic. The more garlic, the better!

Then fry the said garlic till it turns golden brown!

Then follow it up with four balls of onions! Yes! Smell the aroma!

Beautiful isn’t it!

Then take out the refrigerated rice and crushed it with your bare hands. Till they separate into tiny granules! Sprinkle some water to hasten the process

Then you dump it into the olive oil.

I said Olive oil because a lot of people are health nuts but if you want it to be really delicious, use the cooked pork oil that your housemaid used when she deep-fried those pork chops last month!

I tell you that would be truly divine.

Then get a slab of butter and throw it on top of that steaming heap.

We usually stock a lot of Spam and mahling for unwanted visitors. Now if you don’t have that, Vienna sausage would do. Chop it up into tit bits and have a second fire going and fry those suckers yeah!!!! But save the Vienna sausage juice that usually accompanies it …we’ll use that later!

Get your worstecher sauce or if you like the local variant, knorr seasoning and dab your
Fired rice with it while it simmering.

Your fired sausages would be golden brown by now. So dump it and the oil that used into the friend rice!

Now we also have canned mushrooms in the cupboard. If you don’t then you should start lecturing your wife for not having a fully loaded cupboard. You can never tell if an atomic bomb suddenly drops from the sky or a coup happens in the last minute. I don’t see a rationale person running to the supermarket to do some last minute shopping while fifteen pound shells are exploding all over the place.

Anyway back to the mushrooms. Fry it too on the separate frying pan! While that’s happening get four eggs and scramble those! Don’t forget to put some salt into it!

I don’t know about you but I always have a bottle of wine beside the kitchen so I’d put swish of that in! Trust me it adds some exotic flavor to your eggs. I mean how long have you been eating eggs right…this would give you an extra boost from your mundane egg eating days!

Now when your eggs have foamed… drop it on the fried mushrooms. Let it settle for a minute or two and then mash it all over!

Then dump the egg mushroom mix into the second pan! Mix the entire thing! And open a can of beer, you’re set!

It beats eating re heated food anytime. At least you actually cooked it. And the best part is hearing the maids bitching in the morning about the giant mess you left…