Tuesday, November 28, 2006

We arrived in Paris around 7pm. The plane ride to Amsterdam was horrifying. I was seated behind a really fat caucasian man. He bends his seat all the way back and when he sits it bends even further. Pinning me from behind.I thought to myself that I was going to go insane at the prospect of enduring this for 12 hours.

The airline stewardess were really nice. Theyre big and very mqsculine. The antithesis of the asian version.But Id rather have them big , brawny and nice than petite small and nasty.

In previous trips I found filipino stewardeses as
snobbish and bitchy. I was pleasantly surprised that their europeqn counterpart is not the same.

That was further reinforced when I rode the connecting flight to paris. The stewardess kept running the food carriage on my foot and slamming it against my arm with not even a jot of apology.

Shes probably korean.

A DeBoaville met us at the airport. She was to be our guide. We rented a sun roofed puegot.We kept driving around in circles and couldnt find the exit point of the terminal. We ended in a highway to the south.

A DeBoaville: Sorry about that. I have my cataract on and cant see a thing.

Flim: First trip to Paris and our guide has cataracts, how very french. I love it!