I saw some of the images of this new BATMAN short film and by the look of it, seems preety amazing. The costume is staright out of DARK KNIGHT returns and ALEX ROSS's War on crime.But the fan crowd is divided into two. Some really love it while the other half hated it. The subject of the contention was that the dialogue between BATMAN and The JOKER was totally bad and that the ALIEN creature and The PREDATOR appearance was over kill! I can't comment since I have not seen the thing.Since the whole thing was intended as a demo reel for the director,then the audience should just appreciate the spirit in which it was made.
Personally I love the suit. Was never too keen on the BAT NIPPLES of SCHUMACHER. And I never really went for the BAT PADDINGS either. When Tim Burton defended his choice of Michael Keaton , he threw in the padded muscles because his reason was that he wanted BRUCE WAYNE to be an everyday man who the public wouldn't suspect is THE BATMAN.What a lame excuse. As if the suit could fool people that it was his actual physique.
Bruce Wayne became muscular and big because he dedicated his life to the spartan discipline of honing his body into a leathal fighting machine. And Burton's depiction of a bespectaled Bruce Wayne was more an accurate portrayal of CLARK KENT not the Dark Knight's alter ego.
Strangely enough among all the three actors who recently played BATMAN. It was Keaton I favored the most. Burton was right in saying that there's something menacing with KEATON's eyes when he's wearing the cowl.
Keaton should have just enrolled ina six month body building course under DAVE ( DARTH VADER ) PROWSE just like what CHRIS REEVE did when he prepared for SUPERMAN. but those were the days.
I remember a time when DE NIRO bulked up fifty pounds to play JAKE LAMOTTA for RAGING BULL and he lost it again to do the lean years.What a feat. Reeves when he was first tapped to play SUPERMAN was a thin and whimpy guy but after PROWSE was thru with him, he looked like THE MAN OF STEEL.
Then there was STALLONE beefing up for ROCKY III and then cutting up for RAMBO FIRST BLOOD IIIt was so effective in the box office that when STALLONE directed TRAVOLTA for STAYING ALiVE ( SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER 2 )he trained TONY MANERO to be cut and lean.
But now we dont see that discipline in action. You want to cast a nerd looking actor to be a superhero,NO PROBLEM. Just design the suit with lots of padding and an armoured look,THERE YOU GO.
I realy hate it when filmmakers reinvent the costumes of superheros. That was the main beef I had with DAREDEVIL.Putting that collar like he was a grovy discoteque king was a real cop out. Elecktra looked like a female wrestler.Everyone does black leather and armour nowadays. That's why I love this BATMAN suit.Its nostalgic.
I just hope that they make a film version of DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. And they better get ADAM WEST to play BATMAN.That would be something to see. Well if not him then CLINT EASTWOOD would do just fine.Then again how about CHARLTON HESTON. " PUT YOUR DAMN DIRTY PAWS OFF ME YOU DAMN JOKER! "
Cecile dragged me to the new LARA CROFT MOVIE. I really protested to high heavens because I hate the director. JAN DE BONTis such a HACK! He is a second unit direcotr who's main specialty is blowing things up with four or five camera's running at 8 times their regular speed.
Cecile: " It would be great. Its going to be exciting."
FLIM: " He's a 2nd unit direcotr. His job is to shoot insert shoots of gun clips falling on the floor in slow-motion.How interesting could it be? Besides any idiot knows that the cradel of life is in AFRICA SO WHY DO THEY ACT SURPRISE TO DISCOVER THAT IT IS IN AFRICA? "
Cecile: " We'll wed get to see ANGELINA JOLIE and she's gorgeous."
I look at my wife for a minute.
FLIM: " I guess this is a girl thing. Why do you need me there anyway? "
15 minutes into the movie I was proven right. Tomb Raider as a game worked because it ws a parody of INDIANA JONES in a gaming platform. But as a movie , parodies dont have a long shelf life. And i hate the script. The expositionary dialogue can be written by a grade schooler.
On the way out I saw a movie display for THE LEAGUE OF EX- GENTLEMEN.
CECILE: " Well LARA CROFT was a bad movie but ANGELINA was pretty."
FLIM: " I just wasted 120 bucks on a stupid movie that I knew was going to be stupid. I should have just bought pirated dvds instead."
CECILE: " Well the League looks good."
FLIM: " Sorry to disappoint you but it looks even worst!They included TOM SAWYER who is an AMERICAN into the mix and also DORIAN GRAY who wasnt in the comic book in the first place. They should have just added WIFLRED OF IVANHOE and LORD GREYSTOKE. And look at the NAUTILUS. IT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING MODERN DAY SUBMARINE from OPERATION PETTY COAT."
Cecile: " Yes it doesnt look victorian in design."
FLIM:" Have you seen their fight scenes. All of that Honk Kong wire trick stihck shit again. It really looks out of place."
A pretty worthless movie night out. I went home and slipped on FRIDA. I enjoyed the movie.Maybe because she's a tortured soul who isn't playing a tortured soul.