Read this from SUPERO H
" Keanu Reeves' next action hero won't have Neo's steady Zen-like calm, but it was the fiery passion that made the role of Hellblazer so attractive, according to the "Matrix" star.
"[It's] his anger. He's angry, but he's got a good heart," Reeves said recently of the comic book badass, whose real name is John Constantine.
In the "Hellblazer" comic, which is aimed at a savvy adult audience, Constantine is an Englishman with occult powers who is both a liar and a cheat and yet nevertheless often prone to doing the right thing.
Reeves said he hopes to get moving on the big-screen adaptation, which will be called simply "Constantine," as soon as September. Warner Bros. has long labored to get the DC/Vertigo comic into theaters, with Nicolas Cage at one time attached to the role before Reeves landed the job. The film will mark the feature film debut of video director Francis Lawrence, whose résumé includes clips for Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez and P.O.D. "
Hollywood just screwed up ALAN MOORE'S ass after what they did to LEAGUE. The sperm juice hasn't even dried up yet and now they're going to bang him up some more. It doesnt take a genuis to figure out why CONSTANTINE will never work.
First off, KEANU REEVES. I mean that's it! Just that name! And this isnt a minor miscasting flub. Constantine is the ultimate cool magician of the Dc Universe. He is BRITISH! There's no way around that. And Reeves despite his limited acting ability, cannot pull it off.
Watch DRACULA and listen to him speak with a British accent.Reeves is perfect for one dimensional roles where the main requirement is for him to stand up and look puzzled.
Originally concieved as a minor character in SWAMP THING, Constantine was so popular that He got his own spinoff series.Moore under the prodding of Totelben and Bisste his co-creators in SWAMPY created the nickel and dime shit magician using STING as the visual template.
Based on what Reeves said about CONSTANTINE it is apparent that he does not know what he is talking about.What motivates JOHN CONSTANTINE isn't anger.He's just a complete Bastard! The ultimate son of a bitch! And that's why he's so cool! But trust Hollywood to fuck it up. They always do.
The second accident is the director. Again we have a music video director at the helm. Mtv directors are good for 3 minute shorts where the content is not the main ingredient. Sure you have fancy visuals and all those slow motion , computer graphics , exploding glass smitherins coming on to your face at 130 miles per second. BUT HELL BLAZER isnt about that!
Its about the dark side of the human condition.Most of the time the demons are more of his own making.Its a gritty noiorsh looking number and they should have gotten someone like William friedkin or Martin Scorcese to do it.
The film is being produced by Richard Donner's wife and that makes it doubly unforgivable. Because richard Donner is the only one who made an ultimate Comic book movie that worked. And still works to this day! SUPERMAN!