Just watched a debate episode about ERAP being given house arrest for the Yuletide seaon. Made me sick to be a filipino. That congresswoman lobbying for this must be the dumbest woman to seat in the congressional chair. Her arguements are so stupid that I cant even bear to repeat them here.Then this BUTCH AQUINO JOKER comes on screen and gives his thougthless sense worth.What kind of world do we have where his intelligent and patriotic brother ending on he tarmac floor while this imbecile is alive and kicking.In a perfect universe I' have their destinies switched! Their slogan is that it is time to bring unity to the philippines and that would be achieved when Estrada issent home. WHAT A LOAD OF FUCKED UP CRAP!Not only do they encourage theives festering in high government posts but they encourage theives festering in low government posts to steal and then to aspire for higher government posts so they CAN STEAL SOME MORE!
They use Christmas as an excuse to propogate their evil schemes! Gosh! I want to convert to islam and then behead these fuckers in the name ofall that can be good!These are the kind of congressmen that people vote into office! THIS IS THE KIND OF GOVERNMENT THAT WE HAVE INFLICTED UPON OURSELVES AND THERE BY DAMNED THE FUTURE OF OUR CHILDREN! I could not in good conscience bring myself to respect these officials. IF I SEE THEM IN PUBLIC I'D HAUL AND SUMMON FORTH FROM MY DEEPEST THROAX THE BIGGEST SPITBALL THAT I CAN MUSTER AND SMACK THEM IN THE FACE!
If I needed a bigger excuse to migrate ..then this has to be it! The philippines is damned! THE MARCOS VIRUS has never left us and it continues to penetrate every facet of society as we know it. And to think that I was just about to write about another toyhunt expedition!