Thursday, July 14, 2005

We just bought a new minidv cam.The idea wasn't mine but cecile used her latent force powers to over ride mine. I hate it when it happens.But then again my mind has been very weak for the past weeks. I was in power books reading THE REVENGE OF THE SITH novelization which I thought to be infinetly better than the film. I dont know if the film was that BAD! Or the novel was that REALLY GOOD! I was reading it standing up because there were 20 people who thought it was a good idea to sit down while reading.I had the thought but I came in too late.


CECILE: " I'm looking atthis video expo and saw a digicam and they're around 25 thou.Im thinking that we should get one."

FLIM: " But we already have one! "

CECILE: " Yes but its too heavy and cubersome."

FLIM: " Its a professional camera."

CECILE: " Well my point is that i want something that I can operate. I see how you have to fiddle with knobs and switches just to use it."

FLIM: " Well there's a novice mode switch in there."

CECILE: " And its too heavy for me to carry around when we go on vacation"

Initially I didnt take well to a 2nd cam. But then again if teh cam would be mini dv and would have that incredible low light enchanment mechanism, why not? A 2nd cam would always be...handy.

FLIM: " Is it minidv? "

CECILE: " Let me ask..."

Faint mumbling in teh background as I went back to the description of COUNT DOOKU's RANCOOR leather booths.

CECILE: " its video 8."

FLIM: " Yeah thats why its so cheap."

CECILE: " Is it good."

FLIM: " Not really. But if it were minidv..."

CECILE: " I'll go check..."

She calls back after a few minutes.

CECILE: " They have a mini-dv."

That's the clincher.

Three days later I bought the cam. Its very small and compact. but the controls are somewhat...i dont know how to say it.

Im used to a camera that I can control everything.Right down to the sound level and the the shutter speed. But this camera is for novices and many an instance that I would scramble for teh controls and much to my dismay be informed that i can't control that particular aspect.

But with this cam I can do shots that would make me have seconds thoughts if I were using the expensive one.

Now the next step is getting the case for the cam.