Thursday, June 05, 2003

Defragged again! Another 9 hours of down time. Watched STAR WARS EPISODE 4 while waiting. And it’s still my favorite STAR WARS FILM OF ALL TIME. FUCK EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! Just because its Grim and gritty doesn’t mean crap! It does not mean it’s more mature just because DARTH VADER assumed the evil father role.
In fact it began Lucas decline as an effective storyteller! Further compounded when in RETURN OF THE JEDI Leia is revealed to be his long lost daughter!

Ughhh! Some Jedi! He can’t even ‘FEEL” that he was torturing his own daughter in the DEATH STAR! Just goes to show, the more you complicate a storyline the more holes you would have to fill in and in the process, creating newer holes that seem to be too small for you to bother with but the general audience can ascertain with their magnifying glasses!

The beauty of the original is its simplicity. The film starts in Medias res. The film’s opening scene would never be duplicated in the annals of SCIENCE FICTION CINEMA
Even with the advent of the latest computer GRAPHIC CHIP, You can never match a person’s creative imagination even if he is only armed with a primitive ball and wire motion control that is held together by spit.

I think that is GEORGE LUCAS problem now. He may have everything in his fingertips, with the multi billion empires he has build and flanked by ILM, the greatest SPECIAL Effects shop on the planet. But he lacks the one thing that made him great before. Ether it was dissipated by years of inactivity or by surrounding himself with a bunch of lackeys who’s sole job aside from pleasing him is to say “ BEAUTIFUL, MAGNIFIQUE! To everything he says! That is the worst thing that can happen to a creator!

He can come up with shit and his followers would still smell the roses! Before he had MARCIA LUCAS who always reminded him that the human elements are foremost!
He also had GARY KURTZ, the nut and bolts guy who did so much of the behind the scenes work.

He lost Marcia Lucas (a great editor in her own right! She won OSCARS, He didn’t! )

Gary Kurtz? Was fired!

KURTZ clashed with LUCAS most of the time, the human factor kicks in, Get rid of the thorn in your side, why would you work with someone you always clash with? Why make life more difficult than it already is right?


I believe that the greatest collaborations occur when two people with clashing sensibilities fight it out! Every spark, sweat and blow incurred would result in a work of uncompromising clarity and content.


Just pick your collaborator well or you might get the lazy type who does nothing but ride on your shirttails. This type is dangerous and you should rid of them quickly! You’ll put up all the sweats and they are nowhere to be found. You bust your ass working all night while they are out partying. And when the ship comes in laden with the goods they’ll suddenly appear out of nowhere demanding their part of the loot! Often times demanding more than they contributed in the 1st place!

Be ready to give them the booth! Believe me I know!