Been locked in the editing room for two days now.Not enough sleeping hours just to finish this one single shot that would run for a mere 30 seconds.CECILE tells me that I'm spending too much time on that one particular shot when its the whole picture that counts.She is right in a way but this particular shot sets the mood for the entire film.This mere 30 second shot is not just a shot or a cut. It sets the whole tone of the movie and if its going to take me another week to do it then I must.My self imposed isolation is broken when ever SELINA drops by.Unannounced the door would open and then I'd see her smiling face peep thru the side.
She'd utter something in her sweet voice that I think is GOOD MORNING in the BABYLONIAN DIALECT and run towards me
She can open doors now.AMAZING!
I then switch to the disney channel and she'd lied down on the couch and...vegitate.
After two hours or so ..the maid would come in and drag her kicking and screaming. Alone again.Just me and the three blinking screens.
Food is delivered thru a small slit in the door.The sun rises and sets on my window and that is the only sign of Mother Nature that I can see.Despite my isolation from the outside world.I am ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE.The tv has cable which I randomly change from the DISCOVERY CHANNEL to the INDIAN stations.My computer is connected to the web and constantly surfs thru my favorite sights. Downloading cool stuff in the net. I keep in touch with friends in JAPAN, GERMANY and DUBAI. I have a female friend from NOVIA SCOTIA who rides the same motorcycle I do and we constantly update one another about the latest parts that will enchance its running performance.She's a motorcycle mechanic by the way.I monitor the toys and dvds that I'm selling and buyers from all over the world are bidding.
When finishing the script draft and I need more information on tropical squalls I just punch up the key word and information erupts like the love juice of an elephant thru my fingertips.
After four hours of writing and editing ( All at the same time.) I feel like relaxing and decide that I want to go shopping so I punch up the things I need. DVDS, ACTION FIGURES or A ZOOM LENS ATTACHMENT? And I go thru the catalogue and scan teh merchandise without leaving my chair.
Hmmm someone in Orange county is selling a rare IRONMAN GOLD VARIANT.Yikes more expensive than the one being sold in CALCUTTA.Nahh I'll just buy SELINA twelve more vcds of BARNEY.
I then shift to our message board and help someone who's having focusing problems with his camera in ALBAQUERQY( I know that's not the correct spelling but phonetically I think its correct!)
From the outside I guesss people would think what the hell does he do inside that room for days now ? Sleep? Far from it!Id dose from time to time but in fractions.
Inside the room I AM ONE WITH THE WORLD!
While editing I shift my chair from the editing machine to the computer and create the drawings for the FUCKBOY FUCKING ANIMATED ADVENTURE.I remember a time when I drew that I can smell the unique aroma of the lead pencil. The fragrant scent of the eraser and its shavings as they splatter my creased and worn oslo paper.Then theresthe pugent odour of the water colour or poster color pigment that follows as I dip my brush in.
Now there's nothing.Just the flickering monitor and the loud click like barks of the mouse.
When you make a mistake with the water colour you get another paper. You cant erase that.
With computer drawing you can erase anything! Delete everything! So the record of your drawing blunder's passing ceased to be.
How sad.