UGHHHH That Bong Revilla is on tv again.Talking about the exact same things he said the last time he was on the tube. Which was a couple of months ago.He talks about making head ways and everything but he still couldnt say who are the master mind behind the piracy problems. Strangely enough he doesnt mention the strange stories that circulate that they dont actually destroy the dvds or cds or vcds they confiscate but in actuality they haul it iover the giant CAVITE mall where THEY SELL THEM! During their last raid in Makati The vendors told me that they hauled off even the dvd players. THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT! And they were saying that it was going to be teh christmas gift for their elatives. Obviously they are not implementing the law but twisting it and corrupting it to suit their nefarious schemes.
Incidentally his movie sucks ! Yes they can almost copy hollywood special effects but cant they at least come up with something original? Like who wants to see another manifestation of BULLET time and this time with BONG REVILLA> NOW WHY ON EARTH WOULD I WANT TO SEE THAT ?!