Sunday, May 04, 2003

Was talking to the Bed after a harrowing day of shooting and we talked about will you be happy if you get what you want.

BED: “ But what happens when the girl gets the kind of relationship that she’s looking for her entire life. Does she become content? “

FLIM: ” Of course not!”

BED: “ Why’s that? “

FLIM: “ Because we seldom get what we want at the time that you particularly want it.You for example. You’ve been lusting for freedom since time immemorial but when you do get it. You’ll be happy for a month or at least six months …then it’s all downhill from there.”

BED: “ Why? Why? “

FLIM: “ Ok…when I was a kid. I always wanted to have this action figure. PLANET OF THE APES, URKO.I’d go to the ARCADE, which used to be beside UNIMART. I’d stare at the action figure, which is around six inches. It costs around 700 bucks. 700 BUCKS now is still worth a lot right? Imagine what 700 bucks would look to a kid still in grade school and way back in the 70’s.

BED: “ Would have been a lot.”

FLIM: “ So I visited the store every Sunday. And there was PLANET OF THE APES URKO staring back. Way back I knew that I could never have it. No way can I raise 700 bucks. But I kept staring at it. Because the very act of looking at it.. somehow made it …mine! Then one day I went to the shop and found the action figure gone. Must have been bought by another kid. Someone who can afford 700 bucks for a toy. Flash forward to the present. I saw the toy again in the net.Finally I find it and it was going for around 100 dollars. I buy it immediately. Yep it's double the price and YES, now I can afford it.

So I get the toy. It arrives in the mail. I’m happy for about two days. I have one of the toys I have always wanted. And then it struck me. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A DOLL? SOMEONE MY AGE? I wanted it when I was ten! When I can still play and pretend. Not now! So what do I do with it? I put it up my shelf where the other toys are, gathering dust.

I have it now! But not for the right reasons I had when I was a kid. And a toy is only right for one thing and one thing only. To play with.

BED: “ hmmmmm

FLIM: “ Once you get your freedom. You’ll be very happy. Then after a month or two. You’d feel even worse and think why didn’t you get your freedom earlier. THREE YEARS AGO, FIVE YEARS AGO? When it mattered the most.”

BED: “ Hmmm…”

FLIM: “Wer’e not built to be content. We are not built to be happy